Page 124 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 124
驗美國傳統習俗。 會長計有劉蕭寶秋;會長劉識夫人,副會長
Its Functions 夫人、趙佩芬、劉佛長夫人、馬李葆真、林
The Chinese Women’s New Life Movement 本會全體同仁堅守岡位,發展會務,不遺餘
Club is guided by the principles of the Los 力,務求將本會宗旨發場光大,為社區與會
Angeles Chinese Benevolent Association, and 員們謀求福址。
is recognized as the sole organization com- 2007年,本會首次以民主選舉方式選出會長
prised of all female members among the As- 及副會長,其地幹事則由會長委任。當年趙
sociation’s subsidiaries. Its principles are to 尚賢夫人江玉瓊高票當選,正式成為婦女新
promote freedom and democracy, support 運會的民選會長,副會長為黃鍾艷珍及張麗
the Republic of China, embrace our 卿,她們就職後積極推行三大要務:辦理會
country, families, nation, and promote har- 員重新登記,修改不合時宜之章程,聘請僑
mony and collaboration among different Chi- 界名望之士擔任名譽顧問,推動會務。
nese organizations. 2010及2011年,會長黃鍾艷珍,副會長張麗
The Club provides services to the community 卿。2012及2013年,會長張麗卿,副會長方
in many ways, such as helping Chinese im- 美瓊、朱碧雲。2014年會長方美瓊,副會長
migrants to apply for medical benefits, trans- 艷桃紅、余艷濃、朱碧雲。
lating English/Chinese documents, resolving
domestic disputes for female immigrants, etc.
It also strives to implement meaningful ac-
tivities to improve well-being of the elderly,
and encourages youths to learn Chinese cul-
ture. Furthermore, the Club supports quali-
fied candidates of Chinese descent to run for
public office.
The Club meets once a month and holds a
birthday celebration for members every quar-
ter. In addition to participating in activities of 羅省婦女新運會聯歡
the Los Angeles Benevolent Association and
other charitable organizations, the Club hosts
events for the Women’s Festival on March 8,
Chinese New Year, Moon Festival, Mother’s
Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and schedules
visits to convalescent homes and centers for
夫人,她們合力為本會奠定基礎。及後繼任 慶祝雙十節遊行
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 125