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125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                  羅省同源會 | 美洲同源總會網址 National:

                   羅省同源會                                                       415 Bamboo Lane
                                                                               Los Angeles, CA 90012
                   Chinese American Citizens                                   (213)628-8015


                                                                  CACA publishes an influential Chinese Daily-
                                                                  “Chinese Times”.
                                                                  CACA repeatedly testifies in Congress to re-
                                                                  peal Chinese Exclusion Act, Wives Act, advo-
                                                                  cate Confession Program and fair immigra-
               1882年,美國排華政策:華人不准入籍,無                              居功至偉。
               法律地位,不准置業,工作須付人頭稅。                                 Congress repeals Chinese Exclusion Act. Es-
               Chinese Exclusion Act is enacted. Chinese are      tablishes a token quota of 105 Chineseimmi-
               not allowed to become U.S. citizens or to own      gration per year. Chinese are the first Asians
               property. Discriminatory taxes were levied         granted natural citizenship.
               against Chinese laborers.                          1946年,杜魯門總統將其簽名移民案件之筆
               1895年,美洲同源總會開始以「黃金州之                               贈與同源會。
               子」在舊金山立案,由華裔土生組成。會員                                CACA is presented with the pen used by
               資格是華裔男性美國公民,是美國第一個華                                President Harry Truman in signing legislation
               裔民權團體。                                             allowing alien wives of U.S. citizen’s priority
               First incorporated in San Francisco as“Native      within the immigration quota system.
               Sons  of  the  Golden  State”.First  Chinese       1946年,同源會繼續爭取公平移民及更多名
               American civil rights organization in the U.S.     額,並在60年代與全美華人福利會共進。
               Only Chinese US citizens can join.                 CACA continues to improve immigration; to-
               1912年,羅省同源會分會成立。                                   gether with the formation of Chinese Welfare
               Los Angeles Lodge is established.                  Council in the 1960s.
               1915年,改名為「同源會」。                                    1965年,甘迺迪移民案通過,名額大增。
               Name changed to Chinese American Citizens          Kennedy Immigration Act opens the door to
               Alliance.                                          more Chinese immigration.
               1921年,總會大樓在三藩市建成。                                  1977年,同源會開放女性公民入會.
               CACA National Headquarters on Stockton             Women are admitted as members.
               Street is completed in San Francisco.              1996年,百週年紀念,出版1996年月曆記載
               1924-1988年,出版在美國深具影響力的中                            華裔在美的節日及慶典。
               文日報──「金山時報」。                                       A 1996 Calendar of Festivals and Celebra-

                   122  |  羅省中華會館二十七個團體 27 Organizations and Associations
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