Page 186 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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多政府撥款,並擴大服務,以配合不斷增 the immigrants. In 1985, CSC moved to
長及多元文化的移民社區需要。該中心 the ground floor of the newly built Cathay
的辦事處於1985年遷至新落成的國泰老人 Manor, a senior citizen housing, to provides
大廈,但是在短短四年裡已經不敷應用, services to the immigrants. CSC needed
因此在1991年於愛盼大廈增設第二間辦事 to move again after spending 4 years at
處。從1998年起,華埠服務中心將兩間辦 Cathay Manor due to expansion. In 1991,
事處合二為一,在愛盼大廈提供同一屋簷 CSC had its second office in Alpine Plaza.
下的服務。此外,為服務日漸東移的華裔 In 1998, the Cathay Manor office moved
移民,於1992年在蒙特利公園市設立第三 to the Alpine Plaza to have all services un-
間辦事處,華埠服務中心的青少年中心則 der one roof. CSC continued to expand. In
於2001年成立。2010年在阿罕布拉市設立 1992, CSC opened a satellite office in the
第二診所,2015年在蒙特利公園市設立第 City of Monterey Park to provide services
二間牙醫診所,並在多間學校、教會及社 for the residents of the West San Gabriel
區中心設有服務站。 Valley. When great need to have services
From the hard work and support from vari- to the youth in the community, the Youth
ous individuals and the community, CSC Center opened its door in 2001. In 2010,
was able to receive more grants from the the second medical clinic was opened in the
government. CSC continues to expand due City of Alhambra. In 2015, a second dental
to the high demand of services needed by clinic was opened in the City of Monterey
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 187