Page 187 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 187

125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                   Park.  CSC programs also partnered with          Work Source Program, Youth Center, Child
                   schools, churches and other agencies with        Development Center and In-home Senior
                   a staff stationed at the site.                   Care Services. Services are available in a
                                                                    variety of Chinese dialects, including, Can-
                   歷年華埠服務中心有九個主要部門,包括                               tonese, mandarin, Toishan, Chiu Jou, as
                   社會服務、個人及家庭輔導、健康家庭                                well as other languages, such as Vietnam-
                   診所、牙醫診所、社區經濟發展、職業訓                               ese, Spanish and Khmer (Cambodian).
                   老人家居照顧服務。該中心職員具多元文                               除日常運作之各項計劃外,華埠服務中心
                   化背景,諳多種中國方言、越南語、柬埔                               亦對在社區發生之危機及問題,作出因應
                   寨、西班牙語及英語,是現時南加州服務                               服務。如在1992年洛城發生暴動及1994年
                   華裔人士的主要社會服務機構。                                   北嶺地震後所成立的救災及復元計劃。同
                   Today, CSC is one of the largest commu-          時與中華會館前任主席陳梓勝及趙尚賢、
                   nity-based Chinese-American health and           地方銀行、其他組織及義工緊密合作,分
                   human service organization. CSC provides         派食物予受害者,並協助他們申請政府及
                   a comprehensive range of services, orga-         私人援助。
                   nized under the nine services areas includ-      CSC also involved in disaster situation such
                   ing Social Services, Medical, Behavioral         as the 1992 Los Angeles Riot and 1994
                   Health, Dental, Small Business Program,          Northridge earthquake. CSC together with


                   188  |  羅省中華會館協助創立的組織機構 Relate Dorganizations
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