Page 185 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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125        Anniversary

                th  週年


                              Chinatown Service Center, Los Angeles

                                                                    Chinatown Service Center (CSC) was
                                                                    founded in 1971, when the Pastor of the
                                                                    Chinese  United  Methodist  Church  start-
                                                                    ed an outreach program to provide bilin-
                                                                    gual services to Chinese immigrants.  The
                   華埠服務中心職業資源服務                                     Church provided an office space for one
                                                                    paid bi-lingual staff and several volunteers
                                                                    to help the newly arrived immigrants cul-
                   過去數十年,洛杉磯商業區鄰近之華埠,                               turally adjusted in this Country.  In 1975,
                   是華僑新移民及難民的聚居處。他們大部                               with the assistance from Federal Judge
                   份因不諳英語而被孤立,不會爭取醫療和                               Ronald Lew and many community leaders,
                   福利的資源,也未能使用主流社會可運用                               CSC incorporated as a nonprofit organiza-
                   之公共及私人服務,以致不能有效利用各                               tion dedicated to community service.  Dur-
                   項經濟機會,改善其生活狀況。                                   ing the same year, with the assistance and
                   In the past decades, Chinatown, a com-           support from the Chinese Consolidated
                   munity close to the Los Angeles Downtown         Benevolent Association (CCBA), CSC re-
                   Business District is home for many newly         ceived the first government grant from the
                   arrived immigrants and refugees.  These          City of Los Angeles to operate an employ-
                   are low income families and many of them         ment service program for the community.
                   do not speak or read English.  Being lin-        CCBA President Poy Wong and its mem-
                   guistically  isolated, these  families do not    bers continued their efforts to assist CSC
                   know how or where to get resources to help       to receive government grants.
                   them to have a better living situation.
                   華埠服務中心成立於1971年,當時以羅省                             區支持,成為聯合基金會成員,且獲得更

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