Chinatown Service Center is one of the largest
community-based Chinese-American health and
human service organization in Southern California.
CSC provides a comprehensive range of services
to over 80,000 visits annually, organized under four
services areas including Social Services (Senior
Services, Welfare and Benefts Enrollments and
Referral Programs), Health Services (Behavioral
Health, Medical, Dental and Optometry), Youth
Center and Community Economic Development
(Individual Financial Education and Small Business
Training and Consultation). Services are available in
a variety of Chinese dialects, including, Cantonese,
Mandarin, Toishan, Chiu Jou, as well as other languages, such as Vietnamese, and Spanish.
Chinatown Service Center (CSC) was founded in 1971, when the Pastor of the Chinese United Methodist Church started an outreach program to provide bilingual services to Chinese immigrants. The Church provided an ofce space for one paid bi-lingual staff and several volunteers to help the newly arrived immigrants culturally adjusted in this Country. In 1975, with the assistance from Federal Judge Ronald Lew and many community leaders, CSC incorporated as a nonproft organization dedicated to community service. During the same year, with the assistance and support from the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA), CSC received the frst government grant from the City of Los Angeles to operate an employment service program for the community. CCBA President Poy Wong and its members continued their efforts to assist CSC to receive government grants.
From the hard work and support from various individuals and the community, CSC was able to receive more grants from the government. CSC continues to expand due to the high demand of services needed by the immigrants. In 1985, CSC moved to the ground floor of the newly built Cathay Manor, a senior citizen housing, to provides services to the immigrants. CSC needed to move again after spending 4 years at Cathay Manor due to expansion. In 1991, CSC had its second ofce in Alpine Plaza. In 1998, the Cathay Manor ofce moved to the Alpine Plaza to have all services under one roof. CSC continued to expand. In 1992, CSC opened a satellite ofce in the City of Monterey Park to provide services for the residents of the West San Gabriel Valley. When great need to have services to the youth in the community, the Youth Center opened its door in 2001. In 2010, the second medical clinic was opened in the City of Alhambra. In 2015, a second dental clinic was opened in the City of Monterey Park. CSC programs also partnered with schools, churches and other agencies with a staff stationed at the site. In 2016, CSC Community Health Center opened a third Dental Clinic and a second Behavioral Health Division in the City of Alhambra. Another new Medical and Dental Clinic has opened in the City of San Gabriel in 2017. We added a Medical Clinic in the City of Los Angeles and expanded Optometry service in Chinatown in 2018.
CSC also involved in disaster situation such as the 1992 Los Angeles Riot and 1994 Northridge earthquake. CSC together with Mr. Chi Sing Chan and Mr. Joe Chiu, former Presidents of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, banks, other organizations and volunteers to provide services to the victims such as distributing food and to apply benefts that were avail- able to them.
CSC was under the seven Executive Directors during the 40 years of services, Joyce Law, Irene Chu, Debbie Ching, Diane Poon, Lawrence Lue, Karen Blakeney and our present Executive Director, Peter Ng.