Page 164 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 164
羅省中華會館二十七個團體 27 Organizations and Associations
three days by buying shares to fund the pur-
chase and remodeling of the building. The 歷屆主席名錄 PAST PRESIDENTS
new building was formally opened on Sep- 年份 主席 年份 主席
tember 28, 1980. It comprises two floors: President President
the upper floor is the association’s meet- 1951-1952 金養 1985-1986 秉權
ing space while the lower floor is rented out. 1953-1954 榮添 1987-1988 進琰
Unfortunately, fire broke out on October 26, 1955-1956 舉茂 1989 傳倉
2003, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon and the 1957 日初 1990-1991 振霸
whole building was damaged. The associa- 1958-1959 德鏡 1992 慶善
tion needed $50,000 to repair the fire dam- 1960-1961 晉南 1993 仕權
age. Once again, the members enthusiasti- 1962-1963 金海 1994-1995 友均
cally pitched in to donate funds to repair the 1964-1965 榮添 1996-1997 禎祥
building. 1966-1967 德鏡 1998-1999 餘善
1968 榮添 2000-2001 蘇民
ENSURING THE FUTURE OF LIM’S 1969-1970 兆偉 2002-2003 文傑
FAMILY ASSOCIATION 1971-1972 友均 2004 秉文
1973-1974 宇藩 2005-2006 文傑
On May 20, 1994, the board decided to buy 1975-1976 超豪 2007-2008 偉權
back the shares at 50% of its original value, 1977-1978 蔭溥 2009-2010 慶善
with the balance considered as donation to 1979-1980 宇藩 2011-2012 偉權
the association. Now the Lim’s Family Asso- 1981-1982 家煦 2013-2014 繼鳴
ciation owns their property and does not need 1983-1984 慶善
to worry about paying rent. The challenge
now is to recruit more members to ensure its
future. The association organizes a lot of ac-
tivities for its members, such as Lunar New ial piety and wish to pass these values onto
Year celebrations, Spring banquets, trips to future generations. They have also identified
San Francisco to join the National Lim’s Fam- 64 generational names to be used for fu-
ily Association conventions, Qing Ming gath- ture generations of Lims. This way, all Lims
erings, Parents’ Day activities, Mid-Autumn can recognize what generation each one be-
festival celebrations, the commemoration of longs to from one’s name, even with com-
the building’s anniversary, US and Chinese plete strangers. This will facilitate cooperation
National Day celebrations, The association among fellow Lims and ensure the success of
also has a scholarship fund, to which the late the Lim family for generations to come.
president Yim Po made a generous donation
of $100,000. *Lin means forest in Mandarin. It is pro-
nounced differently in various dialects and
After humble beginnings and many chal- correspondingly, the Lin surname varies de-
lenges throughout the years, the Lim’s Family pending on the region. Lin, Lim, Lam, Lem
Association is now firmly established in Los , Lum, are some of the variants of the sur-
Angeles’ Chinatown. The association trea- name.
sures its traditional values of humility, fil-
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 165