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          was demolished for the construction of the         建築新樓籌備委員會:主席:桂山、叔明、
          Los Angeles new Union Station. The Asso-           瑞榮;財政:時寶;核數:喜礽、錦帆;委
          ciation was later moved to a leased property       員:叔明、時寶、華秀、金玩、錦昌、道
          located on College Street near New China-          桐、桂山、錦帆、喜礽、世安、鴻享、瑞
          town. The founding fathers recognized the          榮、福有。
          need of a permanent building for the Los
          Angeles headquarter, hence fund raising was
          initiated. Through the hard work and the gen-          歷屆主席名錄 PAST PRESIDENTS
          erosity of the early members, $66.500 was              年份     主席President   年份     主席President
          raised for purchase of land and constructed           1952    李華秀          1984    李柏歡
          the new 2-story building in the current loca-         1953    李華秀          1985    李吉傳
          tion. The building was completed in 1959 and          1954    李華秀          1986    李樹滋
          has since housed the Lee OnDong Benevolent            1955    李錦昌          1987    李啟文
          Association in Los Angeles. The building at-          1956    李錦昌          1988    李啟文
          tracted new members throughout the years.             1957    李錦昌          1989    李仲彪
          Association membership is close to in2014.
                                                                1958    李華秀          1990    李偉羨
                                                                1959    李華秀          1991    李偉羨
          The Association organizes activities for and          1960    李華秀          1992    李秀湛
          provides services to its members. These ser-          1961    李華秀          l993    李秀湛
          vices include a Credit Union, Women’ Club,            1962    李華秀          1994    李錫超
          annual scholarship awards to members’ chil-           1963    李華秀          1995    李鉅聖
          dren, singing lessons, annual picnics, event          1964    李金源          1996    李文暢
          banquets for holidays, Father’s and Mother’s          1965    李金源          1997    李文暢
          days. An annual Spring Banquet following the          1966    李錦帆          1998    李中良
          Lunar New Year is the main event for the Lee          1967    李錦帆          1999    李中良
          families. Guests from other Lee Chapters all          1968    李錦帆          2000    李新興
          over the county will come to join us to cel-          1969    李澄澤          2001    李新興
          ebrate the New Year.
                                                                1970    李澄澤          2002    李榮傑
                                                                197l    李鉅標          2003    李榮傑
                                                                1972    李鉅標          2004    李雅純
                                                                1973    李如崇          2005    李雅純
                                                                1974    李如崇          2006    李養聰
                                                                1975    李喜礽          2007    李養聰
                                                                1976    李喜礽          2008    李永濯
                                                                1977    李仲彪          2009    李永濯
                                                                1978    李仲彪          2010    李頌平
                                                                1979    李明發          2011    李頌平
                                                                1980    李明發          2012    李令石
                                                                1981    李嘉柏          2013    李令石
                                                                1982    李嘉柏          2014    李令石
                                                                1983    李柏歡

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