Page 163 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 163
125 Anniversary
th 週年
乃社會過渡期,華人移居美國日見增加,只 of Chow Dynasty. The new king respects for
須鄉親保持聯絡,邀請退休人氏加入,即不 the loyalty and courage of Bi-Gan and wanted
愁會員欠缺,因為每當退休之年,兒女均己 to honor his memory. He brought Bi- Gan’s
擁家獨立,老年人正需社團活動來填補寂 wife and child back to the kingdom and gave
寞,充實彩虹晚年之光彩。故此各僑團成員 Bi-Gan’s son the surname Lin* because he
應繼績努力,保存先賢們一番苦心,為互助 was born in the forest.
合作,增加會員福祉而快樂和諧,直至永永 Many descendants of Lin Jian moved south
遠遠。 to Fujian, and eventually overseas to Taiwan
where the family flourished. Lim’s Family As-
THE ORIGINS OF THE LIM FAMILY sociation is called Lin Xi Ho Tong in honor of
Bi-Gan, who was born on the west side of the
The Lim family surname begins with Lin Jian Qi River. The Lim’s Family Association is also
who lived in the Chow Dynasty more than known as the Nine Governor Clan in honor of
3,000 years ago. The last king of the Shang Lin Pi Zhe from the Tang Dynasty. He was
dynasty was King Zhou, who was a cruel tyrant a state governor who had nine sons, each of
and was advised by wise men that included whom grew up to be governors as well. To-
Bi-Gan, Lin Jian’s father. King Zhou even- day the Lim family can be found in all corners
tually executed Bi-Gan for treason. When Bi of the world – from Fujian and Guangdog to
Gan was arrested, his pregnant wife escaped Southeast Asia, Europe and of course, here in
to the forest to protect her unborn child from America.
death. She knew that the king would even-
tually kill Bi-Gan and his entire family. The THE HISTORY OF LIM’S FAMILY AS-
baby was born in a cave in the forest and SOCIATION
named Jian.
The Lim’s Family Association in Los Angeles
Before long, King Zhou of Shang was over- was established in 1920. It had humble be-
thrown and executed by King Wu, the first king ginnings – just a few friends from China who
got together. They were not well-organized
at that time. They rented a small room in Los
Angeles’ Chinatown on Chongqing Road. They
wanted to get together in Chinatown so they
rented a small room where they can meet.
After World War II, many Lim’s immigrated
to America, and many were from Guangdong
province. As the number of members grew,
the association wanted to find a bigger and
more permanent location to hold their events.
So in 1979, the association, led by President
Alton Lim, Vice-President Henry Lim and
Past President Jessie Lim raised funds to buy
a building at 1301 N. Main St. for $115,000.
99 members contributed enough money in
164 | 羅省中華會館二十七個團體 27 Organizations and Associations