Page 105 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 105
125 Anniversary
th 週年
The Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills Chinese ern Avenue to provide a resting place for
Cemetery is considered to be an auspicious our compatriots. But the passage of time
feng shui site by geomancy experts. brought on natural and man-made dam-
關勳錫、黃榮堯、葉游、劉子鎮、周鴻 2006年,中華會館暨屬下福地會仝人,組
炎、黃景純、黃學林、司徒一鳴、周錦 成中華墳場修建委員會,計劃重修。加建
瀚、周榮益、李秀湛、李超華、趙尚賢、 「敬親亭」,墳場佈局整齊,靜穆安泰,
林慶善、李新興、 張自豪、馬國威、黃 綠草如茵,四季長青。發揚中華文化之孝
景彬。 道精神,使後代子孫感念劬勞,依時祭
The Chairman, by chronological order, are: 掃,慎終追遠,繼往開來。
Poy Wong, Jon Wong…… In 2006, CCBA formed the Committee for
the Reparation of the Cemetery of Los An-
早期華僑來美,多為勞工,畢路藍縷,開 geles Chinese and the building of the “Offer
發西疆,厥功至偉。然而胼手胝足,生 of Respect” Pavilion. The refurbished Cem-
活維艱,且備受歧視,壽終無固定墓園安 etery’s layout is orderly and its ambience
葬,殊堪浩嘆。羅省中華會館,為使先僑 serene, with verdant lawns and evergreen
壽終有安息之地,造福桑榆,遂於1922年 vegetation. It is an apt representation of
購建依士頓中華墳場。歲歲年年,墳場遭 our tradition of filial piety, reminding future
自然損毀。 generations to commemorate our ances-
Chinese who arrived in the early days were tors at designated remembrance days and
mostly poor laborers whose travail & per- anniversaries.
severance deserved a great deal of credit
for the successful completion of the trans- 重修依士頓中華墳場記
continental railroad system and the taming Restoration of the Eastern Cem-
of the West. However, they were met with etery
discrimination and exclusion, even denied
burial in American cemeteries. In 1922, 2007年舉行之重修中華墳場籌款會,獲得
CCBA purchased and established the Chi- 社會賢達熱心捐款,玉成善舉,福有攸
nese Cemetery on East Los Angeles’ East- 歸;並將善長芳名,銘刻於碑上,以示感
新建敬如在紀念碑之敬親亭 2004年清明節
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